Общие руководства по ремонту автомобилей
* Haynes Automobile Repair Manual (доступно для большинства моделей автомобилей)
* Chilton’s Import Car Repair Manual (для импортных автомобилей)
* Motor Auto Repair Manual (для автомобилей американского производства)
Мотор, трансмиссия и трансмиссия
* Mitchell 1 ProDemand Repair Information (онлайн-подписка)
* AllData DIY (онлайн-подписка)
* iATN Technical Service Bulletins (онлайн-подписка)
Электрические системы
* Auto Electric Handbook by Robert Bosch
* Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems by Tom Denton
* Automotive Electricity and Electronics by James Halderman
* Brakes: Theory and Practice by Percy Stedmond
* Modern Automotive Technology: Brakes by Richard Halderman
* Brake Service and Repair by James Halderman
Подвеска и рулевое управление
* Automotive Suspension and Steering by Ernest Doiron
* Motor Vehicle Suspension and Steering by Michael J. Kroell
* How to Repair Your Car’s Suspension and Steering by Brad Arcuri
Кузов и покраска
* Automotive Body Repair & Refinishing by Jeff Reeher
* Collision Repair and Refinishing: A Foundation in Modern Techniques by Howard Berry
* Paintless Dent Repair by Chris Bonfiglio
Системы кондиционирования воздуха
* Automotive Air Conditioning and Climate Control Systems by Tom Denton
* Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning and Climate Control by Wilbur D. Carroll
* Automotive Climate Control Systems: Diagnostics and Repair by James Halderman
Советы по ремонту и обслуживанию
* Road & Track’s Illustrated Automotive Encyclopedia
* How to Keep Your Car Alive by Tom Turrentine
* The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Auto Maintenance and Repair by Rod Fitzgerald
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